Tag Archives: today series

Today: Take Each Moment as it Comes


I will count this day a separate life.
I will remember that those who have fewest regrets
are those who take each moment as it comes
for all that it is worth.

sunset, IG, babel, blue

Today Series: 21/22

From the Book of Og Mandino: Mission Success (The Seeds of Success)

This quote from this favorite book is what I almost live by as my personal motto… (you see, it is also the tagline of this blogsite….)

This moment is all that we have, time is our companion, we are the maker of our life…

the choice on how we live it is within our power…

Today: Play it to the Fullest


I will pause whenever I am feeling sorry for myself today,
and remember that this is the only day I have and I must play it to the fullest.
What my part may signify in the great whole,
I may not recognize,
but I am here to play it
and now is the time.

To Slide or Not to Slide?

To be delighted or pass the chance and live in fear?

Now or never, Aliya, GO!


QC Circle, March 2012

Today Series 20/22


Here and Now.  Live life deliberately and intentionally. We have to be more mindful that the greatest gift we have is our NOW!

Today: Whatever Life Offers….


I will work this day with all my strength,
content in the knowledge that life does not consist of wallowing in the past or peering anxiously at the future.
It is appalling to contemplate the great number of painful steps
by which one arrives at a truth so old, so obvious, and so frequently expressed.
Whatever it offers, little or much,
my life is now.

Travelling Feet, Bantayan Tower, Vigan, Ilocos, September 2011

TOday Series: 19/22

Whatever Life Offers, my Day is NOW…. Or shall I say, let’s make a good use of our NOW, so we can show “Life” what we can offer! Just strive to be better everyday, always better than yesterday. Let’s create our NOW more deliberately.